miss alice
adj classy, independent, curious

+ originality, best friends, reading, long phone calls, pale skin, manga, music - clingy people, a certain teacher, "package", negativity

- stuff
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Target Setting

The purpose of setting targets for the various subjects is to know where and how we can achive what we want to achive.It is useful as it make us score towards our goal but we must set a target that we are able to achive, but not one that we can't. To me, setting goal is the first step of success. With a goal, i will be able to see where I am going. I am going to give my best towards everything that i do and work hard to achive my target. For a P6 pupil, I have set a home timetable for myself to keep myself organised as I have alot of other activities. My mom helped me in planning my timetable. Although I know it is going to be a very tough year for me, I will always think it this way,"If I work hard for one year, the other 4 school year will be less hard. But if i releax this year, it will be tough for the next 4 years." I think my teachers can't help in achiving my goals, because if they help me, but I don't work hard myself, my results will not improve either. So I must start working hard from this second.

Sunday, February 8, 2009
Total Defence Day

Every year on 15 February, the day Singapore fell to the Japanese in 1942, Singapore commemorates Total Defence Day to remind Singaporeans that everyone has a part to play in defending our country. In 2009, we will be commemorating 25 years of Total Defence with a key difference. I think I will defence Singapoe as well as the citizens living there.They are important because if our country is at war and all our people there is not working together, our country will be easily defeted. We must all lend a helping hand and work together as one. Like they say,"One hand is better than two". So we must all strive hard to save and protect our country and unite as one people, one nation, one Singapore!



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February 2009 / March 2009 / April 2009 /


design: miss alice
background image: krisatomic
base codes: lamster, contolini